Why I chose an Apprenticeship over applying for University.
I found the end of year 11 (finishing High School) very daunting I don’t know about you?
I found it daunting because I felt like I had to make a decision there and then on what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, but now I’ve come to realisation that I don’t need to have a set-in stone plan.
I felt I wasn’t ready to decide what career path I wanted to take but now I look back and that’s ok. I am glad I didn’t rush into anything and took the year I spent at college doing a business course to decide what my next step was.
I then decided that University wasn’t for me as I still didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do, and I didn’t want to pick a course for the sake of it.
People that do go to University I admire but it isn’t for everyone.
I decided that my next step would be to look in to getting myself an apprenticeship because my thoughts were even though I still don’t know what I want to do, I would find it useful to gain the experience in working life and gain a qualification also (and the bonus of earning a wage of course)
I have been at Temporis for 8 months now and I am still learning, and I am loving every second of it. Not only am I developing in my job, but I have gained friendships with my team at Temporis and that has been the best part by far.
Not in any way am I saying that University isn’t an amazing experience/opportunity, but it wasn’t the choice for me.
University isn’t for everyone, but an apprenticeship is an excellent alternative and I am so pleased that I made this decision. I can genuinely say that I love what I do.